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What factors might motivate a driver to speed?

On Behalf of | Jan 16, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Speeding is a type of reckless driving behavior that continues to play a role in far too many collisions. Accidents involving such negligence may also run a greater risk of carrying dire or even fatal results. Unfortunately, despite the dangers involved, you may still encounter speeding drivers nearly every day on California roads.

While most drivers may be aware that speeding is dangerous, they might not fully grasp how such behavior affects their driving capabilities. Such behavior can reduce driver response times, increase stopping distances, and limit a driver’s ability to focus. With the level of danger involved, you might wonder what might motivate a driver to exhibit such behavior.

Motivating factors

Speeding remains a contributing factor in many crashes and studies indicate that there are various types of factors that might motivate drivers to engage in such dangerous behavior, such as:

  • Behind on schedule: Studies indicate that drivers who are behind on schedule may be more inclined to engaging in reckless behaviors. However, speeding drivers might not always reach their destinations any faster, or even at all.
  • Flow of traffic: Drivers may also be more susceptible to speeding if others around them do the same. However, allowing traffic flows to dictate your behaviors might not always be the safest path.
  • Distracted driving: Drivers who succumb to distractions may also struggle to maintain control of travel speeds. Combining speeding with distraction could prove a recipe for disaster.
  • The rush: Some drivers may also choose to drive at excessive speeds simply for the thrill involved. Drivers who seek the rush of speeding may exhibit a disregard for the safety of others.

Regardless of what motivates a driver to speed, the presence of such behavior can be exceedingly hazardous. Should you cross paths with a speeding driver, you could be the one left suffering the repercussions.

Speed-related collisions

Another reason speeding can be so dangerous could pertain to the notion that collisions involving speeding drivers may run a much greater risk of proving disastrous. Even if you take a defensive approach to driving, responding to a swift moving vehicle that darts into your path can prove impossible at times. The fallout of an ensuing collision could leave you with life-changing injuries and facing dire financial challenges. Following such a collision, you might have questions about what steps you can take to safeguard your future interests.