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3 red flags that may indicate your child is a target of bullying

On Behalf of | Nov 27, 2023 | Bullying and Abuse |

Bullying can have a serious impact on children’s mental well-being, academic performance and overall development. However, it can be difficult to pinpoint when bullying is occurring because children often do not inform adults about such behavior due to societal pressure or fear of their parents not believing them.

The advent of cyberbullying has made bullying more insidious and easier to conceal. However, there are certain red flags that may indicate that a child is a target of bullying.

1. Behavioral changes

Sudden and unexplained shifts in a child’s behavior are a potential indicator that something is wrong. Withdrawal, mood swings or increased irritability could be the result of bullying. A previously social child suddenly avoiding social situations, no longer spending time with friends or losing interest in previously loved activities are also possible red flags.

2. Physical symptoms

Bullying can manifest in physical complaints like headaches, stomachaches or frequent illnesses. These may be indicative of the stress and anxiety a child experiences because of bullying. It is important to get children checked by medical professionals as well as search for other reasons like bullying.

3. Academic decline

A sudden decline in grades or disinterest in school can be a sign of bullying. Drops in grades, missed homework assignments and constant school absences usually indicate something is not right. Extreme resistance to attending school may also signal that something is wrong there.

According to stopbullying.gov, 20% of children between the ages of 12 and 18 report experiencing bullying at some point in their lives. Besides the short- and long-term mental health implications, bullying can kill children. Parents who recognize these symptoms need to encourage open communication with their children. They may also consider counseling, regardless of whether bullying is present or not. A supportive environment can encourage children to open up about their problems and heal. When there is evidence bullying is the problem, parents can speak with school officials to address it. If the situation escalates, parents may have to take legal action.