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Help your teen driver avoid distracted driving

On Behalf of | Oct 25, 2023 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Teenagers are not known for always making the best decisions. That is why many parents worry when it’s time for their teens to begin driving on their own. In California, as it is in other states, distracted driving is a serious concern, and teenagers are more likely to drive while distracted when compared to other age groups. If you’re a parent of a teen driver, there are steps you can take to encourage your teen to put their phone away while behind the wheel and avoid other distractions that can lead to accidents.  

How to encourage safe driving 

The California Highway Patrol has launched a campaign to help decrease distracted driving-related accidents. Parents can aid in this campaign by making teens aware of the risks of driving while distracted. Thousands of teens are involved in fatal accidents every year, but many of these accidents are preventable. If you have a teenager who already drives, or one who will be driving soon, it’s important to talk to them about safe driving practices. 

Encourage your teen to always pull off the road in a safe location if they must use their phone for any reason. Driving while using a cell phone is just one of the many distractions that can lead to a motor vehicle accident. Others in the car can easily distract teenage drivers, leading them to take their focus off the road. Eating and drinking while driving can also lead to an accident. It’s important for teenage drivers to understand that, when they are behind the wheel, they must focus on driving.  

Warn them of the consequences 

Teenagers may not be aware of the serious consequences that can come from driving distracted. Not only could they injure themselves and those in the car with them, but unsafe driving also puts all others on the road at risk. An injury can be life-changing and could prevent a teenager from pursuing their future goals. A fatal car accident leaves a family grieving the loss of a loved one and lifelong guilt for the driver whose actions caused the accident. 

Parents of teen drivers should encourage them to drive safely and without distractions. But even the safest drivers can still be involved in an accident. California accident victims can face much recovery time for their injuries, which can put financial strain on the entire family. When negligence contributed to the crash, victims have the right to seek monetary compensation through a personal injury lawsuit against the driver at fault.