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Head-on crash claims the life of a motorcycle rider in California

On Behalf of | Jul 27, 2023 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

There could be various scenarios in which drivers might choose to pass slower vehicles while navigating along two-lane roads. However, even if it is legal to pass in certain areas, that does not always mean it is safe and if drivers fail to spot oncoming vehicles before crossing into the opposite lane, the results could prove disastrous. A 24-year-old motorcycle rider was killed during a recent car accident in California that occurred under similar circumstances. 

Reports of a fatal crash 

Law enforcement agents say they responded to reports of a head-on crash just before 4:40 p.m. on a recent Thursday. They advised that the crash began when the driver of an eastbound van crossed into the opposite lane while attempting to pass another vehicle. This reportedly placed the van directly in the path of a westbound motorcycle and prompted a head-on collision. 

Reports indicate that up to five occupants in the van were transported to medical facilities for treatment of unspecified injuries. Authorities have advised that the motorcycle rider was killed during the crash. While an investigation into the incident is underway, no further details were provided as to why the driver of the van may have failed to spot the oncoming bike. 

Surviving family members 

Although any type of car accident can pose a significant threat to the health of a motorcycle rider, head-on crashes may run a much greater risk of carrying severe or fatal consequences. Families who lose a loved one in a crash due to the reckless decisions of another party may find the fallout thereof difficult to accept and they might choose to consult with an attorney for advice on their available options for legal recourse. A personal injury attorney can examine the incident thoroughly and assist a client in preparing to pursue restitution and accountability via a wrongful death claim.