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A Disturbing Trend: Abuse Of Special Needs Students In Southern California Schools

On Behalf of | Mar 31, 2020 | Bullying and Abuse |

It’s every parent’s nightmare: learning that your special needs child has been mistreated at school. Perhaps they’ve been bullied or assaulted. Even more horrifying, maybe they’ve been sexually abused or raped.

All too often, the culprits are not staff or adults, but other students. And all too often, an investigation uncovers a disturbing pattern of abuse that has gone unnoticed and unchecked.

Digging deeper to get answers

Why is this abuse so prevalent – especially among children with special needs? The answer is complicated, but two major gaps are at least partly to blame: inadequate supervision and insufficient training.

In the SlideShare presentation below, you can learn more about this alarming problem in Southern California schools, including:

  • Where it happens
  • Why it happens
  • What warning signs to look for
  • What to do about it

Browse through the presentation below:

Learn more

At Ramey Law, P.C., we’re committed to upholding the rights of special needs students. Our legal team seeks justice for those who have been wronged. We recently published a free white paper examining lapses in the education system that put special needs students at risk for abuse. We invite you to download it for free and share it widely.

Our hope is that, with increased awareness and decisive legal action, we can start to curb this alarming trend.