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Reasons you should not assume you are at fault in a car crash

On Behalf of | May 9, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

People in California car crashes may jump to conclusions and assume fault, especially if they feel responsible. However, the situation might be more complex than they think at first.

Unfortunately, taking responsibility early can hurt you later when you need compensation for serious injuries.

1. Lack of complete information

Right after an accident, emotions run high. Details can be hazy. Without all the facts, it is challenging to accurately determine fault. Factors such as weather conditions, road hazards and witness testimonies may significantly impact the assessment of fault.

2. Hidden injuries and damages

Even if you believe you caused the accident, hidden injuries and damages could emerge later. Some injuries, such as whiplash or internal trauma, may not manifest symptoms immediately after the crash. Additionally, damage to your vehicle may become apparent only upon further examination days later. These hidden aspects could shift the blame from you as more information comes to light.

3. Other circumstances

Circumstances such as the other driver being under the influence of alcohol or drugs could absolve you of fault. Without knowing about the other driver’s condition, assuming fault prematurely could lead to inaccuracies in assigning blame.

4. Misinterpretation of traffic laws

Misinterpretation of traffic laws is another factor that might lead you to believe you are at fault when you are not. California’s traffic laws are complex. Certain nuances may not be immediately apparent. For example, if the other driver violated a traffic law, such as running a red light or failing to yield, they could be at fault for the accident, regardless of your actions.

After a crash, assuming fault has the potential to reduce the compensation you get. Approach the situation with caution.